Goals and Gadgets

Apple Watch Nike Plus model
Gadgetry for Geeks

I struggle with coming up with the right rewards for the right goals. Now that I am almost two-thirds of the way to my goal, I decided to increase the stakes. 

I already have an Apple Watch but it’s the first version. Now that Apple has launched this new model, I’ve declared this to be my final goal reward. I’m a data nerd and the Apple Watch has been an important tool for my journey, between timers, tracking workouts, the activity app and other features, it only makes sense to upgrade as part of my upgrade. Extravagant? I’m worth it. 

One thought on “Goals and Gadgets

  1. Michelle October 31, 2016 / 12:11 pm

    Ooooohhhh I like that watch! I’m a data geek too and love (probably more than is strictly necessary, lol) to review “my stats” like pace and heart rate and elevation. I’m all for extravagant self-gifts for reaching milestones. You’re working incredibly hard to change your life! If a watch is a good marker of that achievement then I’m all for it! πŸ™‚ πŸ†πŸ†πŸ† I haven’t decided what my goal weight gift will be. I’m nearing it though so I need to decide!! πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ Going to take a look at that watch though…. πŸ™‚


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